Friday, July 29, 2011


Comenzando y aspirando, solucionando y elevando. Pasos eficaces hacia adelante determinan tus cosechas futuras. No corras a full en contra de paredes con las que sabes que te vas a golpear.  Mira hacia adelante, vislumbra el camino con menos curvas, calles cerradas o accidentes y vete directo por ahí. Pero es necesario que primero sepas a dónde vas. Sin tener rumbo tu vida y tu están en un callejón sin salida. En un laberinto que se llama pérdida de tiempo y nadie sabe cuánto tiempo más tiene otorgado en esta forma humana. Con tus metas en la mira y dispuesta a disparar en el blanco elige tu destino.  Segundo, necesitas enfocarte y concentrarte en tu propio destino, apaga la bulla alrededor y como caballos con tapaderas, no quites la mirada de la meta y avanza tranquilo.  Suave y elegante.  Sabes a lo que vas pero no lo apresuras porque tu tiempo y el tiempo de Dios son distintos. Y asi mismo disfruta de cada paso, saborea tu camino, recuerda que lo más importante del camino es disfrutarlo de lleno.
Beginning and aspiring, solving and rising. Effective steps forward determine your future. Do not run against walls you know you're going to hit. Look ahead, look for the less dangerous road, the one with no accidents or closed roads and walk straight through there. But first we must know where to go. Without direction you and your life are at a dead end. In a maze called waste of time and nobody knows for how long they will hold their human form. With your goals in sight and ready to shoot at the target you can choose your destiny. Second, you need to focus and concentrate on your own destiny, turn off the noise around you and as competitive horses, don’t take your gaze away from your goal and move quietly. Soft and elegant. You know where you are going but do not rush for your time and God's timing is different. So enjoy every step, savor your way, remember that the most important part of your journey is to fully enjoy the way.


  1. Very Nice, I like the way you make something that can be so analytical like goal setting and make it sound like a poem... Thanks!!!

  2. Thank you, I like sharing the way I feel and it comes straight from my heart. Truth be told I beliebe we can accomplish everything we set our minds to, no matter circumstances or opposition. I will like for everyone to try and believe to get where they want to :)


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