Monday, August 1, 2011

A New Life and walking towards my goal...Una Vida Nueva y caminando directo hacia mi rumbo.

Every week I try to start again. Since I wake up I am filling my mind with the most positive ideas and I repeat them constantly. I know for sure my day will move according how much positivism and likewise, negativism I inject into my day.

That's how I work on my days, my goal in sight, eliminating imperfections in the road. Always trying to grow a little closer to my goals. As always giving my best. Oh, but the negativity has its own life, always be careful.
It won’t neglect you and it does not like your positivity. Negativity takes care of the ones that serve it with more strength and patience than many. And it’s always there, giving reasons why you should not be positive, giving you fear and anxiety about things that do not exist.

There are many expressions and words that could stop you from going and move towards your goal. Always try for the words that come out of your mouth to be positive and direct.
After years of feeding our minds with unhealthy and destructive ideas, it is difficult to erase the negativity in our lives. But not impossible. Clear your mind of criticism, resentment, intrigue and sadness.

If there is any reason why you have deviated from your goal, I bet it is for this reason. Again remember that the most important thing to reach your goal, whatever that might be, is to stay positive.


Todas las semanas trato de volver a empezar de esta manera. Desde que me despierto me lleno de las más positivas ideas y las repito constantemente. Sé que con seguridad mi día se moverá de acuerdo a cuanto positivismo y asi mismo, negativismo le inyecte a mi día.

Asi es como transcurren mis días, con mi meta en la mira, cortando las imperfecciones en el camino. Siempre tratando de crecer un poco más hacia mis goles. Dando como siempre lo mejor de mí. Ay, pero el negativismo tiene vida propia, entonces ándate con cuidado.

No se descuida y no le gusta tu positivismo, el negativismo cuida de sus servidores con más fuerza que muchos y la paciencia de pocos. Y siempre estará ahí, dándote razones por las cuales no deberías ser positivo, metiéndote miedo y angustia acerca de cosas que ni siquiera existen.

Hay tantas expresiones y palabras que te pueden detener de tu constante y movido camino. Trata siempre de que las palabras que salgan de tu boca sean positivas y directas.

Despues de anos de alimentar nuestra mente con ideas malsanas y destructivas es difícil sacar al negativismo de nuestras vidas. Pero no es imposible. Limpia tu mente de críticas, resentimientos, intrigas y tristezas.

Si hay alguna razón por la que te has desviado de tu meta, te apuesto que es por esta razón. Una vez más recuerda que lo más importante para llegar a ese gol que tienes en la mira es mantenerte positivo.

1 comment:

  1. Its called, "preservation through fear". Its what one does "not" do because they fear they will loose the very little that remains with them. Its true. Its human nature to risk less, tread lightly, yield to doubt and remain apprehensive about things we should do when we have very little remaining around us.

    For one who has few friends, little money, questionable stability, no support, no guarantees and a great deal of doubt, every single reason to NOT do something become larger than every single reason to do it. Human beings are developed to preserve what they have through safety and conservative decision making. Criticism usually comes from those who for the most part, live similarly to ourselves. When is the last time a multi millionaire discouraged you from taking a big chance? Why is it that our next door neighbors will say, "hey tony, thats a good idea, but what about the kids? What about the job you are blessed to have now?" Knowing the entire time that your heart yearns for progression, its the atmosphere around us and all that it entails that is the very reason for our hesitations.

    Golden Rule to achieving ones goals is simple. Put your self amongst people, in atmospheres and around mind sets that, live, eat , sleep and breathe ,,,,the reality of your goals!!


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