Monday, November 24, 2014

Trust something bigger than yourself

How many times should we failed before advancing and learning?.  It is so devastating to see how much I can hurt the ones I love.  I am human and I know I do have many flaws, sometimes I don’t feel deserving of love because of the huge mistakes I make and the pain I cost to those I owe my best.  Then I remember what God tells me in the bible and I wonder where I am going wrong.  He loves me no matter what, He forgives me even when I don’t consider myself deserving of His forgiveness, and He is working towards my development even when I don’t see it.  Why then is it so painful, why do I feel so sad at failing Him and mines so often?

I might be one of those stubborn souls than its smart for human things but not for spiritual things, but I am in this world to conquer myself in the spiritual, to grow to the point where this human feelings will not be the priority in my life, but His love and His peace, which I can only gather from Him.

Everything is written and He knows what I am doing before I do it. Why do I fail you Lord? I love my family so much, so why do I fail them too? It hurts so much to feel myself so human and at the same time I know YOU are working in me, I believe YOU won’t let me fall, I know I am learning and I have faith everything will work out in the end.

Because just You know the why and when, and my job is to do the best I can and keep moving.  I can only ask you for strength, don’t let me fall and not be able to stand up again and keep trying.  Give me a courageous spirit that I might not fear but count with You, and if You are with me, who can be against me! I leave my life to you and only YOU!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Have a happy Spirit!

Who doesn’t have problems?, who doesn’t have several things to deal with in a daily basis?. Sometimes is problems back to back, and when you finish dealing with one, another problem hits you in the face. Like a never ending cycle that keeps us trapped and does not allow us to see the beauty of the world we live i

How can we enjoy it, right? When all this things happened, it takes us away from our goal, or just occupies our time with energy stealer problems. So we get use to "waiting" to be happy. And we say things like: I will be happy as soon as..., or if that person...or if my daughter does this and that.

We start conditioning ourselves to circumstances and situations, to at last allow ourselves to be happy.  Like we need an excuse to be HAPPY.

Now, to understand a little bit more of what HAPPY means, we have to understand there is no straight answers about happiness.  I think the measure (even when its unmeasurable) would come directly from each individual and furor pan ser of believes. There are a lot of things that would make ME feel happy, but wont make anybody else happy. One thing I am sure about happiness and being happy, its a state.  A state you can create around every aspect of your life, making the decision to do so and starting the work from within.

So, there you have it, nothing will manifest in the outside unless you are working from the inside. You take your inner you everywhere you go and it depends on you to change ur filter; and find that peace that just your spirit can provide. Start declaring it today, stand up and say I AM HAPPY!

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